Thanksgiving Turkeys Have Arrived!

The turkeys for Thanksgiving arrived on Friday morning.  As you can see by the picture they look almost just like the baby chicks except for that little bump just above the beak.  It’s really a treat to watch these guys grow up.  They seem to be much more curious than the chickens are.  They take much longer to grow too.  That’s why we just got them now even though Thanksgiving is still so far away.  The Hatchery called me on Thursday and informed me that I had to take all Toms (boys).  I had originally ordered a “straight run” which is a mix of Toms and Hens, but they ran out of hens.  Hatching birds isn’t an exact science, and there really is no way for them to know how much of each sex they will have.  I like getting a straight run because the hens grow to a smaller size which is good for a smaller family that doesn’t want a large bird.  Needless to say I was a little disappointed.  I will be watching their weight like a teenager now because I don’t want to have only 25 lb. turkeys to offer people!

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