>The hens are back in their summer home!


After 3 long months of being cooped up in the barn for the winter, the hens are finally back on the open range again. Of course they weren’t confined the whole time. I would open up the house for fresh air and leave the door open on warmer days, but when there was snow on the ground they were just not interested in setting foot outside, even if it was above freezing during the day. These hens stay at my parent’s house not at Schmidt Family Farm where I will be raising my meat chickens this year. They have plenty of layers of their own over at Schmidt’s so if your coming to pick up meat birds this summer you should definitely plan on picking up some of their eggs, honey, and vegetables that will be available.

I don’t have much of an update on the organic certification other than the application has been submitted, and all that’s left to do now is wait for inspection. I’m told that may not be until June, but the chickens won’t be ready until then anyways. The pasture that they will be raised on is still under organic certification, just not the livestock production. It’s all in place though, and the first chicks will be here in just 2 weeks!

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